We are a non-governmental and non-profit think-tank of researchers and public sector experts

I wish that our country would think ahead about where the world is going in the future. With that vision in mind, we could head effectively in the direction we want to implement.
Jan Kleňha Co-founder and Director
Public administration has a huge impact on all of our lives. Let's contribute to making it as efficient and smart as possible.
Ladislav Frühauf Co-founder and member of the Directors Board

We strive to create useful analyses

We started as a group of friends and colleagues who believed in the idea that even small improvements in political decision-making can have a wide-range and long-term positive impact. In 2018, we began to intensively follow developments abroad and explore ways in which nonprofit organisations can effectively help improve government decision-making. We cooperate with the state administration and are looking for ways to help not only in individual topics and areas, but especially in a systematic way.

Our principle has always been apolitical and to develop the use of quality analytical tools and approaches in public administration. Since our founding, we have grown into an organisation with over 20 employees, funded by foreign and Czech research grants, philanthropic sources and public procurement. Our annual reports in czech are listed below:

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report is in 🇨🇿 language

report is in 🇨🇿 language

report is in 🇨🇿 language

report is in 🇨🇿 language

Kindly supported by

Czech Priorities receive all their funding from grants and donations from private donors, always exclusively on the condition of maintaining their independence and impartiality.

Our team combines knowledge and experience from research, public administration, non-profit and private sectors

Project team

Thanks to our diverse focus and involvement in science and research at Czech Priorities, we cover a wide range of topics. We have a wealth of experience in project management, communication of and advocacy for our analyses and methodologies, and we draw on a rich network of contacts and external collaborators.

Barbora Duffková

Matouš Fiala

Ladislav Frühauf
Founder, member of the Board

Xaver Jakub Gubáš

Dominik Hajduk

Markéta Hájek

Pavel Hanosek

Barbora Hluštíková

Lucie Jungwiertová
Project manager

Jan Kleňha
Founder, director

Tereza Majerová

Zdeněk Rosenberg

Kateřina Tisová

Andrea Vuová

We build and expand international expertise

Our team of Czech and international experts combines knowledge of basic and applied research, experience in public policy methodologic development and project management.